————————————————————-// DISCGO CASE STUDY PROJECTS
Stegmaier, P. and Kuhlmann, S. (2012-2016). The governance of the incandescent light bulb phase-out in the European Union (More …)
————————————————————-// RELATED RESEARCH PROJECTS
————————————————————-// PhD PROJECTS
Hoffmann, S. (2018). The transformation of socio-technical systems – Using a mixed-method-approach to understand the transition of mobility (working title). Ph.D. thesis (in progress). Dortmund: TU Dortmund University
Hendrik-J. Steringa: ‘Dutch incumbent power companies’ strategies in transition’ (doctoral thesis, in prep.; supervisors: Stefan Kuhlmann, Maarten Arentsen, Wim de Ridder, Peter Stegmaier). Enschede: University of Twente (More …)
————————————————————-// STUDENT PROJECTS
Bulten, M. (2016). Understanding global discontinuation governance—An explorative study on the global mercury ban by the UN Minamata Convention. Master Thesis. Enschede: University of Twente
Evers, S. (2013). Who killed the EV-1? Bachelor thesis. Dortmund: TU Dortmund University
Hoffmann, S. (2013). Unlocking and Blocking Paths: Concepts for Terminating Socio-Technical Trajectories. Master thesis. Dortmund: TU Dortmund University
Oudelaar, N. (2015). The influence of Non-Governmental Organisations on European Union policy processes – An explorative study on the role of Non-Governmental Organisations during the policy process that went prior to the incandescent light bulb phase-out. Master Thesis. Enschede: University of Twente
Schlüter, J. (2015). Car-Sharing als Beitrag zum Systemwechsel in der (Auto-)Mobilität. Zum Zusammenspiel von sozialen und technischen Innovationen (English title: Car sharing as contribution to a change in (auto-)mobility. The interplay of social and technological innovations). Master thesis. Dortmund: TU Dortmund University
Schulte, A. K. (2015). The lighting industry as actor and factor in the EU discontinuation of the incandescent light bulb. Master Thesis. Enschede: University of Twente
Steinbach, K. (2014). Die Rolle von NGOs bei der Beendigung eines sozio-technischen Regimes. Das Beispiel des Verbrennungsmotors (English title: The role of NGOs in discontinuing socio-technical regimes. The case of the ICE). Bachelor thesis,Dortmund: TU Dortmund University
Swarts, E. (2016). ICE transport discontinuation in the Netherlands: What is the the Dutch government doing about it? Bachelor Thesis. Enschede: University of Twente
Teigelkamp, T. (2015). Verkehrsmittelwahl als Thema der soziologischen Handlungstheorie – eine empirische Studie (English title: Modal choice as a subject of sociological action theory – an empirical study). Bachelor thesis,Dortmund: TU Dortmund University
Visser, V. R. (2012). The purposeful governance of technology discontinuation: an explorative study on the discontinuation of the incandescent light bulb in the EU. Master Thesis. Enschede: University of Twente